
class sparse_ho.criterion.HeldOutSmoothedHinge(idx_train, idx_val)

Smooth Hinge loss.

idx_train: ndarray

indices of the training set

idx_val: ndarray

indices of the validation set

__init__(idx_train, idx_val)
idx_train: ndarray

indices of the training set

idx_val: ndarray

indices of the validation set


__init__(idx_train, idx_val)

Parameters: :2: (WARNING/2) Title underline too short. Parameters: ---------- idx_train: ndarray indices of the training set idx_val: ndarray indices of the validation set

get_val(model, X, y, log_alpha[, tol])

Get value of criterion.

get_val_grad(model, X, y, log_alpha, ...[, ...])

Get value and gradient of criterion.

get_val_outer(X, y, mask, dense)

Compute the smoothed Hinge on the validation set.

proj_hyperparam(model, X, y, log_alpha)

Project hyperparameter on a range of admissible values.